I'm all about discovering some new and wonderful thing about Ruby every day. She's a complicated girl, but usually lets me play with her and never loses her cool. I love my new lap top.
I've read the new Stephen King book "Under the Dome." I loved it, the best one since "Lisey's Story." I'm 3/4's of the way through Dean Koontz's "Breathless." All I can say about this book is it's too short. This man gets better with age, one of my favorites. I absolutely loved the third installment of Jack Whyte's Templar series. I teared up at the ending. Excellent series.
My hands are chapped, same with my face and lips. My hair is poker straight and fly away. Gotta love the cold weather. I keep zapping the cats, and BT to a lesser degree. I managed to haul in some bunnies today, 20 or so, but had an unfortunate mishap and now one of them is headless and stuck in the frozen planter, the head however is in a bag......da da da.
Had kind of a neat thing happen today. I was reading the Province and saw an article on a Time Capsule in Prince Rupert. The thing was buried/cemented in, on July 23rd of 1971. The powers that be never put in a marker or anything and couldn't locate it for the great opening on March 2010. (P.R's 100th B-day) I remembered that Buzz was there, and that we had a photo from the paper. We dug it out of the hope chest and Buzz called the City Hall to tell them what he remembered of the location and that there's a distinctive totem pole in the background. They're going to hit the archives.
The joints are still making themselves known and like to shout a few times a day. Such assbags. I can only hope it stays at this level or gets completely better soon. Tree's up, cards sent, little tree outside decorated. Kids bought for, bring it on.
I'm callin xmas on account of low interest.